Trung Chien- Vietnamese Flat Egg Quiche/Pancake

“Trung Chien” aka a Vietnamese egg omelette.

Seeing family in Seattle this past weekend- I’m reminded of my some of my family’s simple dinners that sometimes only included this egg dish, rice and a clear soup. Even with all the tasty big restaurant meals here, nothing beats a homemade meal that can provoke precious childhood memories and family gatherings. ❤️.

There’s so many variations of this dish and each family has their own recipe. Sometimes made with pork, noodles, and/or vegetables- this consists of only eggs, scallions, oil, salt, pepper, and a little fish sauce. If you are looking for a thicker egg quiche with the noodles and protein, click -here-.

Also seen here is my mom’s Vietnamese Spinach Soup- aka “Canh Mong Toi Tom”.

Recipe for the Spinach Soup can be found -here-.


5 large eggs (I prefer organic eggs from @peteandgerrys)
1/8 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/4 tsp fish sauce

1-2 tbs light EVOO (or Tea seed oil, or any cooking oil)
1/2 bunch spring onion/scallions (washed and thinly sliced)


1. Wash, slice spring onions thinly.
2. Pour all ingredients (except green onions) into a large bowl and mix by hand with a fork and fold in eggs & seasonings. Then add a little salt and pepper and the rest of the ingredients.
5. Heat oil in pan and swirl around pan until hot and glossy, then add green scallions, when scallions are slightly cooked then pour the egg mixture into pan and cook over medium heat (flick any onions to the middle of the pan to even the green onions in egg mixture).
6. When eggs are cooked through, transfer to a clean plate.

Cut into slices/wedges and serve hot.


TASTEMADE: Cá Kho- Mom’s Braised Salmon Recipe


TASTEMADE: Cá Kho- Mom’s Braised Salmon Recipe